Dear Friend,
Welcome to our redesigned monthly e-newsletter, "K9 Connect." You previously received it as "The STOP22 Review," intended to reflect the 22 daily suicides of military veterans. However, the latest VA statistic cites 20 daily suicides. While suicide statistics are hard to fully rely on, we'll gladly accept the update, hoping that our work is playing a role in the decrease. The e-newsletter content will remain the same - a quick update on K9s For Warriors' progress in rescuing dogs, and returning veterans to life with dignity and independence. Thank you for your continued support - we can't do it without you!
In Case You Missed It...
TEDx Jacksonville, the local division of the national nonprofit TED, devoted to spreading world-changing ideas, hosted our founder, Shari Duval, at its annual conference. The daylong event featured presentations by 13 of Florida's leading minds, as well as local entertainment. Shari received a standing ovation after her speech about the epidemic of veteran suicide and the need for federal funding for the innovative "prescription on four legs" that we know help our nation's heroes heal.
Camp K9 News
By now, you're probably well aware of our effort to effect legislative change for disabled veterans to receive service dogs from the VA as a standard PTS treatment option. Well, we're not the only ones in this fight. Knowing we're stronger together, we've taken a leading role in creating the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans (ASDPMV). Created earlier this year, the association is a coalition of K9s For Warriors and other service dog organizations fighting to give our veterans a second chance at life with a trained service dog. You can keep up with ASDPMV and take action when supporters are called on by visiting their website, servicedogs4vets.org,
Warrior Update
Brian & Goose graduated in April 2016. We were lucky to get a long update on his progress recently when he attended a charity event in San Diego as a Warrior Ambassador. Here's a brief part of the update he gave on his astounding recovery:
being paired with Goose, I have stopped taking all pharmaceuticals, lost unhealthy weight, increased
my sleep, and overall am incredibly more relaxed in public. I’ve learned to pay
close attention – a different kind of attention than I’ve ever known to give a
dog – and can tell when he’s telling me something. We trust each other... the difference from who I was before is like night and day."
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the below information. To opt-out of this monthly e-newsletter, click on Unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
Thank you for your support!