K9s For Warriors Community Events

Dog Day's of Summer

Join Arlington Park Funeral Home and Cemetery on Friday July 9,2021 for the "Dog Day's of Summer". Learn about the mission and purpose behind K9s For Warriors. We will be accepting donations of the following supplies: 

For the Kennel:

Nylabones (extreme chewer, large, x-large)
Jolly Balls (8”, hard plastic, no handles)
Gift cards to Petco or Petsmart
Peanut Butter (No organic/No crunchy please)
Paper towels
Large KONG chew toys
Canned pumpkin
Window cleaner
Amazon gift cards
Fleece Blankets

For the Warrior Clubhouse/pantry:

Paper plates (no Styrofoam please)
Disposal coffee cups
Magic Erasers
Paper towels
Peanut Butter
To go coffee cups with lids
Multipurpose cleaner
Stainless steel cleaner/polish

Cash Donations will also be accepted.

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